Financial and Rental Assistance
The purpose of the Financial and Rental Assistance Program is to provide tenant rental assistance services to those at risk of facing eviction. Our goal is to provide financial assistance with rent, moving, and storage costs to reduce residential displacement of tenants in Austin, preventing individuals and families from experiencing homelessness, and assist households in the case of emergency events (weather, public health, fire, etc)
- Income is at or below 80% AMFI
- Individuals that live in the City of Austin Full Purpose Jurisdiction.
Median Income Limit 80%*:
- 1 Person Household: $68,500
- 2 Person Household: $78,250
- 3 Person Household: $88,050
- 4 Person Household: $97,800
- 5 Person Household: $105,650
- 6 Person Household: $113,450
- 7 Person Household: $121,300
- 8 Person Household: $129,100
*(80% MFI is defined by HUD as low-income.)
Median Income Limit | 1 Person Household | 2 Person Household | 3 Person Household | 4 Person Household | 5 Person Household | 6 Person Household | 7 Person Household | 8 Person Household |
*80% | $68,500 | $78,250 | $88,050 | $97,800 | $105,650 | $113,450 | $121,300 | $129,100 |
(80% MFI is defined by HUD as low-income.)

Application Process:
Applicants will complete and submit applications by phone, in-person, or using an online portal starting Friday, November 1st. Please submit only one application per household. Applying multiple times will not increase your chances of being selected.
Applicants will be led through a series of questions to determine preliminary eligibility, which requires applicants to input their rental location, income, and contact information.
Each applicant will receive confirmation that the application has been successfully submitted and received. If applicants don’t pass the preliminary eligibility, they will be informed.
Note: Applicants who do not pass the preliminary eligibility will not be placed in the application selection process.
Online applications are accepted from the 1st to the 7th from 8am-5pm of each month. If you have not been contacted by the 14th, it means your application was not selected, and you may reapply the following month.
- Only one application per household will be accepted.
- Submitting more than one application will not increase your chances of being selected.
In-Person Application Assistance
By appointment only
(737) 214-7406
Call Center Operation Hours
(737) 214-7406
Monday – Friday from 9am – 5pm
Next Steps after applying:
Each month, based on the number of eligible applicants and available funding, El Buen will randomly select applications for processing. If your application is chosen, our staff will contact you for assessment and eligibility verification. If you do not hear from us by the 14th, you may reapply the next month.
- After verifying eligibility, El Buen Staff will collect all necessary documentation. It takes up to 15 business days to complete a payment.
- Payments are made directly to landlords or vendors. Therefore, landlord’s and vendor’s participation is required.
- If your application is not selected you are welcome to reapply again the following month. Please submit only one application per household. Applying multiple times a month will not increase your chances of being selected.
El propósito del Programa de asistencia financiera y de alquiler es brindar servicios de asistencia de alquiler a inquilinos a quienes corren el riesgo de enfrentar el desalojo. Nuestro objetivo es brindar asistencia financiera con los costos de a quiler, mudanza y almacenamiento para reducir el desplazamiento residencial de inquilinos en Austin, evitando que personas y familias se queden sin hogar, y ayudar a los hogares en caso de eventos de emergencia (clima, salud pública, fuego, etc.)
- Los ingresos son iguales o inferiores al 80 % del AMFI
- Personas que viven en la Jurisdicción de Propósito Completo de la Ciudad de Austin.
Median Income Limit | 1 Person Household | 2 Person Household | 3 Person Household | 4 Person Household | 5 Person Household | 6 Person Household | 7 Person Household | 8 Person Household |
*80% | $68,500 | $78,250 | $88,050 | $97,800 | 1$05,650 | $113,450 | $121,300 | $129,100 |
(80% MFI is defined by HUD as low-income.)
Median Income Limit 80%*:
- 1 Person Household: $68,500
- 2 Person Household: $78,250
- 3 Person Household: $88,050
- 4 Person Household: $97,800
- 5 Person Household: $105,650
- 6 Person Household: $113,450
- 7 Person Household: $121,300
- 8 Person Household: $129,100
*(80% MFI is defined by HUD as low-income.)

Los solicitantes completarán y enviarán sus solicitudes por teléfono, en persona o mediante un portal en línea a partir del viernes 1 de noviembre. Por favor presente solo una solicitud por hogar. Presentar varias solicitudes no aumentará sus posibilidades de ser seleccionado.
Los solicitantes deberán responder una serie de preguntas para determinar la elegibilidad preliminar, que requiere que ingresen su ubicación de alquiler, ingresos e información de contacto.
Cada solicitante recibirá una confirmación de que la solicitud se envió y recibió correctamente. Si los solicitantes no pasan la elegibilidad preliminar, se les informará.
Nota: Los solicitantes que no pasen la elegibilidad preliminar no serán incluidos en el proceso de selección de solicitudes.
Las solicitudes en línea se aceptan del 1 al 7 de cada mes entre 8am-5pm. Si no se ha comunicado con usted antes del día 14, significa que su solicitud no fue seleccionada y puede volver a presentarla el mes siguiente.
- Solo se aceptará una solicitud por hogar.
- Enviar más de una solicitud no aumentará sus posibilidades de ser seleccionado
Asistencia en persona para la solicitud
Solo con cita previa
(737) 214-7406
Horario del centro de llamadas
(737) 214-7406
De lunes a viernes de 9a.m. a 5p.m.
Próximos pasos después de la solicitud:
Cada mes, en función de la cantidad de solicitantes elegibles y los fondos disponibles, El Buen seleccionará al azar las solicitudes para su procesamiento. Si se elige su solicitud, nuestro personal se comunicará con usted para evaluarla y verificar su elegibilidad. Si no recibe una llamada de nosotors antes del día 14, puede volver a presentar su solicitud el mes siguiente.
- Después de verificar la elegibilidad, el personal de El Buen recopilará toda la documentación necesaria. Se necesitan hasta 15 días hábiles para completar un pago.
- Los pagos se realizan directamente a los propietarios o vendedores. Por lo tanto, se requiere la participación del propietario y el vendedor.
- Si su solicitud no es seleccionada, puede volver a presentarla el mes siguiente. Envíe solo una solicitud por hogar. Presentar la solicitud varias veces al mes no aumentará sus posibilidades de ser seleccionado.