by Web Team | Feb 21, 2024 | Past CHWs
The goal of this course is to provide Community Health Workers with an overview of trauma, how it affects the brain, how it impacts health behaviors and outcomes, the six principles of a trauma-informed approach, and an opportunity to apply at least one...
by Web Team | Nov 1, 2023 | Past CHWs
The goal of this course is to clarify and explain public health, core public health competencies, essential public health services, and the role of CHWs in delivering essential public health services. Cardea is in the process of applying for CHW continuing education...
by Web Team | Oct 1, 2023 | Past CHWs
The goal of this course is to provide Community Health Workers with an overview of trauma, how it affects the brain, how it impacts health behaviors and outcomes, the six principles of a trauma-informed approach, and an opportunity to apply at least one...
by Web Team | Sep 1, 2023 | Past CHWs
The goal of this course is to provide Community Health Workers with an overview of unconscious bias, culture, and identity; and to learn strategies to disrupt bias interpersonally and institutionally; participants will have the opportunity to apply those strategies to...
by Web Team | Sep 1, 2023 | Past CHWs
The goal of this course is to equip Community Health Workers with tips, tools, and strategies to ensure they’re implementing adolescent friendly practices at an individual and organizational level. Participants will learn an overview of the teen brain and the impact...
by Web Team | Jun 1, 2023 | Past CHWs
Planned Parenthood Join us at this training for CHW’s or other professionals who provide sexual and reproductive education and/or resources to adults and youth. Participants will learn a basic background of Reproductive Health and will explore topics that include...